Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Villedieu les Poêles

The church at Villedieu les Poeles. It was originally started from a post card drawn whilst bouncing around on the back seat of my fathers 4x4 (never a steady/comfy ride), checked on a later visit, all approximately about 8 years ago. Finally colour added about 3 years ago. I post it now in an effort to help get my blog started and as my mother has recently sold her house in France; something all the family regrets but it was getting little to no use since my fathers passing two years ago. However some of the profits helped to buy my "new" dinghy, so hopefully the good times in France will continue in good times afloat.
When originally drawn in just pen I gave it to my parents, after a little while they gave it back asking could I add some more background and colour -so I did. Nowadays I think I'd just refuse (possibly politely) and although I'm happy with the final results "what a cheek, all the worlds a critic".


  1. This is a really great drawing. I love your style.

  2. I enjoy your blog very much and hope to get updates etc ---your sketches are top and your words full of interest and smiles...Winna

  3. Lovely sketches! I really was expecting a "FROGS view" <great name!
    Continued success!
