Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Fish Flying Tonight!

During an already eventful afternoon last week,
(see www.flickr.com/photos/25889317@NO6/4679108495), walking the dogs on the beach at the Point beyond Stomness I was distracted by the loud anguished cries of a gull just above our heads. On looking up we saw a Large Black Backed Gull being 'mugged' by a Bonxie (Orcadian for an Arctic/Great Skua). And although the gull was bigger, it was, as expected, losing the fight. Almost immediately upon our seeing the combatants the gull 'threw up' a mackerel (about 10" in length!) which landed just a few feet away. So a quick 'snap' and on with the dog walk, they of course had noticed nothing; oddly enough the bonxie also seemed to have missed the mackerel as well. I left it for the gulls or for the bonxie to return.

With a busy afternoon I forgot about the photo at the time and so finally got round to trying my watercolours (again) this afternoon instead of falling asleep in front of a boring World Cup football match on the TV. This was in my larger moleskine journal along with an journal entry, but invariably the entries always look somewhat formal and structured - guess its my technical background.

I get my watercolours out and give then a try once every few months or so, though the results are never as fluid and light/translucent as I would like.


  1. Ha! You were lucky the fish did not land on your head!

    I think that you're being rather hard on yourself - I think the watercolor looks just fine and you've done a good job with the shadowing - something I ALWAYS struggle with. Keep painting!

  2. hmm a photo then a painting of a regurgitated fish. I think you are short of inspiration despite living in the beautiful Orkneys. Still, nicely painted.

  3. A wonderful painting- and the colors are just right to my eye. What an interesting story! Nature always brings us such fantastic imagery.

  4. I think you did a fantastic job with the drawing! =) And yeah you're lucky that fish didn't hit you or anything, but it surely sounds like an interesting experience

  5. This is a splendid painting! I really like the softness of the colors. As for the story - holy smokes! And what a stroke of luck that the dogs didn't notice. nancy

  6. Just found you via the EDM group and loving your work... This fishy pic is really good, and love the story behind it too! If my dog had been near, she'd definitely have spotted the thrown-up fish (she doesn't miss a trick) and proceeded to have a good roll around on it - just to savour the moment!
    Looking forward to seeing more of your work!
